Gabriel And Alisa Dearman
- Gabriel And Elisa Dearman Today
- Gabriel And Alisa Dearman Story
- Gabriel And Alisa Dearman
- Gabriel And Alisa Dearman Today
Mrs Draper then became acquainted with Richard Dearman and they produced Alisa and Gabriel.
- When Alisa and Gabriel were around 3-4 years old Mr Dearman was also taking the children to his pedophile associates, members of the pedophile ring: Minia (Polish) – the most violent and wicked, hurting and humiliating, one of the leaders, Buster (German), Joseph (English).
- Alisa and Gabriel Child pornography is said to be a $20 billion industry. Here are the allegations concerning an international 'the snuff movie gang' that allegedly operates in Hampstead, a very wealthy part of London: The allegations by the family and friends of Alisa and Gabriel come from: Details on the Satanic Death cult.
Alisa and Gabriel's father is Richard Dearman. He and the former Ms. Draper are now separated. According to Ms. Dearman was sexually deviant, abusive and behaved violently towards her and their children during their relationship. Dearman was eventually asked to leave the family home in 2007. Meet 8-year old Gabriel Gareeva Dearman and 9-year old Alisa Gareeva Dearman - the dynamic Hampstead duo that by February 2015 had announced to the world one of the largest satanic pedo operations in British history.xxxi This scandal is centered around the lurid story of two highly courageous, precociously bright “whistleblowing Hampstead kids” - as they’ve been dubbed on the.
The following are Extracts from an article entitled Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
By Sott Editors - - 9 Feb 2015
'According to Ms. Draper, Mr. Dearman was sexually deviant, abusive and behaved violently towards her and their children during their relationship.
'Mr. Dearman was eventually asked to leave the family home in 2007.
'Over the next few years however he continued to stalk the children, showing up at their school or at the store and, on several occasions, breaking into Ms. Draper's home.
'Between 2006 and 2010 the police were called out 5 times and 3 reports filed over Mr. Dearman's abuse.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
'Ms. Draper has testified:
'Mr Dearman ... The only game he seemed to play was the 'tickling game'.
'I wasn't happy about this since it always led to some kind of abuse...
'They would scream for him to stop...
'James (son of Mr Draper) started to dislike Mr Dearman. Mr Dearman responded with humiliating remarks and attempted to discipline James in strange ways.
'James (son of Mr Draper) started to dislike Mr Dearman. Mr Dearman responded with humiliating remarks and attempted to discipline James in strange ways.
'For example, he would lock him up, while I was at work or shopping, and he would give him a bucket to pee and poo...
'He also harassed me sexually, pressuring me to have anal sex with him.
'He also harassed me sexually, pressuring me to have anal sex with him.
'He then bought a gigantic artificial penis suggesting for me to use.
'On many occasions he attempted to get me to watch online pornography.
'I objected to his perverted sexual attempts, threw the sex toy in the bin and asked Mr Dearman to pick his stuff he had in my house and not to come there again. (2007)
'I objected to his perverted sexual attempts, threw the sex toy in the bin and asked Mr Dearman to pick his stuff he had in my house and not to come there again. (2007)
'However, he came to school to 'surprise' the children and often stalked us, showing up from nowhere: in the park, or on the way to school and in shops...
'Several times he broke in through the garden door. On one of such occasions he was violent and humiliated my mother by screaming and hitting her. He ran away before I dialed the police.
'Since stalking continued, I applied for an Emergency Court Order; and a Non-Molestation Order was granted for a month initially and then extended for 8 months while proceedings for contact were going on.
'I sent Alisa to Russia to stay with my parents. Unfortunately her passport ran out and she ended up staying slightly longer than anticipated.
'A week after my application, his solicitors applied for a Prohibited Steps Order since he claimed that I was trying to take the children out of the country. This was dismissed and there is currently no such Order in place.
'Mr Dearman also made an application for contact. This was eventually granted in spite of my concerns for the children's safety. He started to see them regularly: every Saturday from 10am to 6pm...
'Alisa and Gabriel were frequently getting sick during contact. Many times they vomited while in his care or after they came back home. Sometimes they developed headaches and stomach aches...
'On one occasion Alisa developed high fever and hardly moved. I contacted the emergency doctor's line...
'Not only were the children returning sick or becoming sick shortly after, each time they were coming back in a terrible emotional and psychological state. A lot of Mondays or first part of the school week were missed as a result and affected the children's education.'
'Several times he broke in through the garden door. On one of such occasions he was violent and humiliated my mother by screaming and hitting her. He ran away before I dialed the police.
'Since stalking continued, I applied for an Emergency Court Order; and a Non-Molestation Order was granted for a month initially and then extended for 8 months while proceedings for contact were going on.
'I sent Alisa to Russia to stay with my parents. Unfortunately her passport ran out and she ended up staying slightly longer than anticipated.
'A week after my application, his solicitors applied for a Prohibited Steps Order since he claimed that I was trying to take the children out of the country. This was dismissed and there is currently no such Order in place.
'Mr Dearman also made an application for contact. This was eventually granted in spite of my concerns for the children's safety. He started to see them regularly: every Saturday from 10am to 6pm...
'Alisa and Gabriel were frequently getting sick during contact. Many times they vomited while in his care or after they came back home. Sometimes they developed headaches and stomach aches...
'On one occasion Alisa developed high fever and hardly moved. I contacted the emergency doctor's line...
'Not only were the children returning sick or becoming sick shortly after, each time they were coming back in a terrible emotional and psychological state. A lot of Mondays or first part of the school week were missed as a result and affected the children's education.'
During the summer of 2014, Ms. Draper's new partner, Mr. Christie, caught the children sexually touching not only themselves but a pet dog.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
This discovery led to a series of exchanges between Mr. Christie and the two children that he video-taped, where the children gave a shocking and very detailed description of horrific sexual abuse and child sacrifice at the hands of their father and, according to the children, many members of staff at the Christchurch Primary School in Hampstead that they attended.
The children also implicated other parents, attorneys, doctors, the school nurse and employees of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service(Cafcass), an English governmental body set up to safeguard and promote the welfare of children involved in family court proceedings.
In the tapes, Gabriel and Alisa display a highly abnormal awareness of adult sexual activity and give detailed descriptions of alleged distinguishing marks on the genitals of their alleged abusers.
In one segment Alisa describes how her father, Richard Dearman, held his hand on hers and 'because we're not so strong, because the spine is there, my father, RD, holds our hand and cuts off the babies head, and if his hand is on it he wipes off his fingerprints'.
The full series of videos can be viewed here.
In early September 2014, Ms. Draper informed Barnet police of the testimony of the children and provided them with the video-taped evidence.
A police inquiry began and the children were interviewed.
A police medical examination was ordered that confirmed that the children had been sexually abused, with serious injuries to the inside of rectum area noted.
A hair sample analysis was also conducted to determine if the children had ingested any drugs, although Ms. Draper claims the results of the test were never revealed to her.
On September 11th Gabriel and Alisa were taken into protective custody and six days later Ms. Draper was informed that both children had retracted their allegations against their abusers.
Barnet police then closed the case on the basis of this retraction and that other allegations made by the children (including claims of secret abuse rooms in both the school and a local McDonald's restaurant) were false.
It appears that the police inquiry concluded that the allegations were fabricated and that the children had probably been coached by Mr. Christie (the man heard in the videos).
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
A witness statement by retired police constable K. Wilson, who apparently had access to parts of the police report, is generally critical of the overall investigation:
To state categorically that the children had been coached (which is written on the Crime Report) which I understand is the assertion from Social Services, is simply not feasible.Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
Some investigation has been conducted into proving or disproving, however most appear to be slanted towards merely disproving the offences occurred [...]
This investigation does not look at the fact that the children are giving accounts of abuse and how they came to use such language other than to suggest Mr Christie coached the children.
Other named suspects who are professionals were not formally interviewed.
Investigators should not make assumptions that due to the unlikely or seemingly ridiculous nature of the allegation that it is untrue. If an account appears to be untrue corroboration should be sought for this also.
This investigation does not look at the fact that the children are giving accounts of abuse and how they came to use such language other than to suggest Mr Christie coached the children.
I do not feel it was suitable to close this investigation at this point without further enquiries and corroboration being sought.
The two children are now in the custody of child welfare. Their mother is allowed to see them once every two weeks while their father is allowed to see them once a week. Between September and December 2014, three family court hearings were held with both of the children's parents arguing their case. A 12-day fact-finding hearing is scheduled to start on February 16th at the Royal Courts of Justice in London. The hearing will be held in secret.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
In Context
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
...According to the police report they have been sexually abused, and that abuse has taken place in a country (the UK) where there is long-standing culture of sexual abuse of children, including by people in positions of power and influence.
A 1990 National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Childrendocument, which was the subject of London Times newspaper story by Libby Jukes and Richard Duce, titled 'NSPCC says ritual child abuse is rife' found that, of 66 child protection teams in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 14 teams had received reports of ritual abuse from children and seven of them were working directly with children who had been ritually abused, sometimes in groups of 20.
Peter McKelvie, a former UK local authority child protection chief, recently blew the whistle on what he said is a VIP pedophile ring that has been abusing children for 65 years and included at least 20 high-profile members of the British Establishment, including people linked to the Royal family. McKelvie told the BBC:
For the last 30 years - and longer than that - there have been a number of allegations made by survivors that people at the top of very powerful institutions in this country, which include politicians, judges, senior military figures and even people that have links with the Royal Family, have been involved in the abuse of children.Then there was the notorious Elm guest house in SW London where the rich and influential came to abuse and murder young boys in the 1970s and 80s. One confirmed visitor through the front door was Cyril Smith, a jovial 406-pound Liberal MP. Private Eye investigative magazine has suggested that Special Branch, the UK's national security police, halted police inquiries into Smith in the 1970s to prevent the collapse of the Liberal-Labour coalition government.
Following his death last month, former British Home Secretary Leon Brittan has been accused by Labour MP Tom Watson of 'multiple child rape' at the guest house. Watson claims to have spoken to two people abused by Brittan. In October 2012, Watson told the House of Commons that police should 'investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful pedophile network linked to Parliament and Number 10.'
Two journalists - the former news editor of the Surrey Comet and the former editor of the Bury Messenger - both stated in November 2014 that during the 1980s they had been served with D-notices, or warnings from the government not to publish material that might damage national security, in response to their investigations into pedophile politicians at the guest house.
A victim of the same Westminster pedophile ring recently came forward with his account of child abuse at the hands of the elite:
A victim of the alleged Westminster paedophile ring that operated nearly three decades ago has claimed he saw a Conservative MP strangle a young boy to death at an 'abuse party'.Gabriel and Alisa's father, Ricky Dearman, is accused of sexual and physical abuse of both her and her children.
The victim, who has been named 'Nick,' has detailed the murder of the 12-year-old boy to police, The Sunday People and Exaro investigations agency, and alleged that two other boys were also killed by the abusers.
He claims he was first abused at a Christmas Party at the age of 11, where he and the other children were ordered not to speak to each other.
He said: 'We were asked if we wanted a drink. It was always whisky. Both MPs were brutal. I was raped over a bath-tub while my head was beneath the water.'
Nick claims that the first death of one of the victims of sexual abuse was of a boy aged 10 or 11, who was killed after he was deliberately run down by a car being driven by one of the perpetrators. Nick has described how he took the death to be a warning to him not to talk to anyone about the abuse he experienced.
Nick said he was handed to the paedophile ring of MPs and other prominent figures by his abusive father, and that he and other boys often picked up by 'luxury cars with a chauffeur' and taken to 'abuse parties' at different locations, including an apartment complex near Parliament.
If true, the above statement by 'Nick' that it was his father that handed him over to the Westminster pedophile network may provide a clue to the reality behind the apparently outlandish stories of Gabriel and Alisa.
One would imagine that pedophile politicians would, at this stage, take great care to ensure that their depraved predilections remained secret.
This might involve deliberate attempts to manipulate and confuse the horribly traumatized children and 'coach' them on a cover story that no one would believe because core aspects of the story could be easily disproved...
There are countless stories like the story of Alisa and Gabriel. Most remain unknown to the general public, and many (perhaps most) have resulted in a serious miscarriage of justice...
Regardless of the results of the hearing on Feb. 16th, they are, and will remain the victims.Like so many other children around the world.
Continued here:Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
Yemeni boy killed in drone strike told reporters only months before he was terrified of 'death machines' in sky
Gabriel And Elisa Dearman Today
Mohammed Tuaiman: also murdered by Western pedophile politicians
'A lot of the kids in this area wake up from sleeping because of nightmares from them and some now have mental problems,' he told the newspaper.
Alisa and Gabriel Dearman and pedophilia in high places
New video.
Ella Draper: chronology of the contacts and father's involvement in Alisa and Gabriel's lives
Gabriel And Alisa Dearman Story
Satanic Death cult
Gabriel And Alisa Dearman
The relationship between Mr Dearman and I was on and off since 2004 until 2007. We have separated several times.
From what Alisa and Gabriel have been telling me:
Mr Dearman started to abuse the children since they were babies...
We have split up when Gabriel was around 1, although Mr Dearman was frequently visiting or taking children out after that: during 2007-2008.
Children are telling me that around this time he started to fully abuse them inserting his front private into their bottoms and making them to perform oral sex too.
He was taking them to the places where there were disabled toilets: at nearby Golders Hill park, Starbucks in Hampstead, Costa coffee in Golders Green, Topsy Turvy indoor children’s activity centre.
He was putting, twigs, small rocks, PVC glue, pieces of toilet tissues in their bottoms, and then making the children to poo it out while watching.
If it happened in the disabled toilets he would put children on the baby changing folding board. He was touching his front private while doing this.
Mr Dearman was forcing the children to intimately touch each other at front of him and do it secretly at home.
He would punish them for not doing it and was questioning them on how many times a day they did it, and still would hurt them even if they obeyed.
When Alisa and Gabriel were around 3-4 years old Mr Dearman was also taking the children to his pedophile associates, members of the pedophile ring: xxxx (Polish) - the most violent and wicked, hurting and humiliating, one of the leaders, xxxx (German), xxxx (English).
Mr Deaman's family members ....
The adults were bringing other children to the properties where the abuse and violence was going on: xxxx(6 years old), xxxx (8 years old); xxxx (5 years old), xxxx (7 years old). xxxx and xxxx (around 1-3 years old)....
These humiliation and violence was filmed on video...
Alisa and Gabriel said that their dad was putting it on Internet since they saw it there too.
During the filming adults and children were wearing the masks.
Children were consistently threatened to be killed if talked.
They were told to say that “none of the abusers have ever existed' if asked.
During this time Alisa and Gabriel were displaying very disturbing behaviors, being aggressive towards each other, me and sometimes other adults coming to the house.
For example, Gabriel could throw himself on the pavement and tantrum for 5-15 minutes kicking and hitting anyone who tried to comfort him. This was usually happening on the way home.
Alisa would throw the tantrums at home, also without apparent valid reason. She would hit and kick the fridge and anyone who approached.
From the end of November 2008 to mid autumn 2009 Mr Dearman didn't see the children.
In March 2009 I have started the legal proceedings, applied for the emergency non-molestation order.
After the serious incidence of violence towards me and then several months later towards my mum (February 2009), she suggested to take Alisa to Russia for long holidays and for Gabriel to stay with me in London. This was relatively peaceful period for both of the children and me.
After Alisa came back from Russia, James has already begun the counseling sessions in the Tavistock Centre after witnessing the violence towards me and been hit my Mr Dearman.
Soon after I started to take both Alisa and Gabriel to see the psychologist Charlotte Burck too.
On one of the occasions she has invited Mr Dearman. He was rude, started an argument with Dr Burck and slammed the door on her.
Sensing an evil in Mr Deraman I was adamant to limit any contact between him and the children but the court still has ordered the unsupervised contacts every Saturday from 10am to 6pm. This was going on from autumn 2010 until October 2011.
(Sex offender became school headteacher and forced young children to perform oral sex on him. primary-school-head-admits-pupil-sex-assaults …)
In 2010 Alisa started to attend the Christchurch school in Hampstead, Gabriel - year later.
That is the time, when the children are claiming to being abused by the teachers.
According to the children, Mr Dearman has already knew xxxxx from before and became good friends with xxxxx and xxxxx.
The abuse was going on the regular basis, almost as part of the school time schedule. Many other children have been abused too. As a reward and bribe for not talking, the children were given their favorite sweets. There were even chocolate lessons, where children were sharing which sweets were most desired. Also they were threatened to be killed if talked.
Alisa told me that she was going to tell me once but Gabriel stopped her reminding her of the threat.
On the other occasion, Alisa's friend xxxxx who came to our house for a play day asked whether I was doing sex to the children.
When Alisa answered “no”, xxxxx said that “she was lucky” and ‘why don't they tell me about what was going on in school”.
Alisa also then reminded xxxxx about the threat of being killed.
The children were terrorized by the abusers and have never told me until August this year (2014) while on holidays.
Both Alisa and Gabriel were abused physically, hit on the head, their front privates.
Ricky Dearman
On one occasion, according to Gabriel about a year ago, Mr Dearman hit him so hard on his left year that it bled. His father would often scream into both children's ears. They claim to not hear very well: Gabriel with his left and Alisa with her right ear.
The children say that there were plenty of visitors coming to the school on Wednesdays.
The most wicked ones were doing terrible things to the children. Like putting broom's sticks in the children's bottoms and then fishing the pieces out while it caused bleeding.
The adults were pushing them hard into the walls, inserting plastic strip on willies into the children's bottoms, sometimes together with the plastic balls, and hitting them hard with their boots into the children’s privates.
The children like Gabriel who could not tolerate the pain and screamed too much were put to sleep...
After being injected they felt pain in their belly, dizziness, headache, numbness, weakness, and heavy limbs.
All along I was aware of the serious underlying issue with my children, just didn't know what it was.
I have never been exposed or came across the sexual abuse and only briefly knew about the existence of the pedophile phenomena so did not recognize the signs.
Aggressiveness, violence towards each other was always present in my children, to more or less degree. There were periods of the relative peacefulness in the family, for example, the time when Mr Dearman was out of the UK from the end of 2011 until summer of 2012.
Although formally, as far as I was aware he didn't see children until June-July 2014, when the contacts were ordered by the court, the children behaviors, attitudes started to worsen with the beginning of school in September 2013.
The growing dissatisfaction, edginess, bullying one another and me were the consequences. Alisa became increasingly cynical in her comments, cold towards the sufferings, pain of others. I saw she was deeply unhappy.
I instigated the conversations with her many times, asking her what was bothering her, if something happened in school, whether someone has upset her.
She wouldn’t talk.
Gabriel's behavior was a concern. He found funny the babyish like acting, kept laughing and coming back to the jokes about pee-pee and poo-poo he was frequently making.
One of the striking things that I found very disturbing was kind of glaze over his eyes as if he was switching off from the reality.
Even though I knew he had got the enormous potential and mental capability, I was observing the slow development, which I now realize, was in fact arrested development due to what he was experiencing. I noticed this in his friends and other children in school too.
For the last year Gabriel was experiencing outbreaks of strong headaches, usually after school, which I thought was due to the dehydration. I told the school staff to remind Gabriel to drink.
About a year and a half ago I have caught the children were doing something inappropriate in the little bathroom.
When I came in, Alisa had her panties down and Gabriel had my phone in his hands. I have learnt that Gabriel was filming Alisa. (This could be done without even unlocking the iPhone).
There was about 50 seconds of the video footage on the phone.
I have explained to the children that this was inappropriate, the intimate parts were for our own private use and we should not touch each other's or our private parts unless cleaning.
I then were suspicious about this activity continuing but haven never caught the children red handed. My mother has also noticed similar things. Alisa told her that Gabriel was 'sucking his willie and poking her front private”.
About half year ago I've noticed Gabriel was touching our puppy Crystal's intimate parts. Mr Christie noticed this too.
About two years ago the children started to steal money from my purse to buy sweets even though I was buying their favorite healthy treats like nut and fruit bars, dried fruit yo-yos, vegan jelly beans, chocolate, cakes, ice-cream, popcorn, etc.
The situation became worse around spring 2014 when Alisa was encouraging Gabriel to steal or doing it her self. They now revealed that it was their farther who was teaching them to do this. Moreover, he was forcing them to steal for him. The large amounts of money were missing both from Mr Christie’s wallet and my purse.
In May-June 2014 the large amounts were taken from my credit card. Alisa says that her dad asked her to write the card details for him. This incident was reported to the bank.
Mr Dearman forced Alisa to steal Mr Christie's iPhone (along with the other few possessions), which according to the children, was then used by Mr Dearman to film the sexual abuse scenes.
I was constantly seeking the answers to the situation, asked the school twice for the referral to the Tavistock Center (after we have attended previously), had a private consultation with the child psychologist, signed up and attended six weeks course on positive parenting and prepaid and was going to attend another advanced course on the siblings parenting (this supposed to start on 9 September 2014 but I never went because of the children disclosure, reporting to the police, children have been retained, courts, etc).
In regards the children's diet: they were vegetarian since birth; then vegan from about 2-3 years old. They were always well and properly nourished with the adequate amounts of healthy high quality plant based proteins, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates and essential sugars. Freshly prepared meals three times a day, including pulses, avocados, buckwheat, quinoa, millet, red and brown rice, nuts, soya protein (tofu, veggie sausages, fillets, etc), plenty of vegetables and fruits, wholesome snacks throughout the day, freshly extracted vegetable and fruit juices. Alisa and Gabriel was always within the middle of the charts in regards their height and weight.
Abraham Christie
Concerning the allegations against Mr Christie.
The relationship between him and the children were friendly and loving in the beginning but started to suffer when Mr Christie grew suspicious about the children being abused.
His adopted niece was sexually abused before the adoption, and he realized that the signs of the behaviors of my children were very similar.
When he started to ask subtle questions Alisa especially grew hostile towards Mr Christie, I guess because of her misplaced loyalty towards her father.
This became worse when the truth has come out.
Both children were putting poo on our food and the toothbrushes.
This continued in spite of many talks about the subject. Both children admitted that their father was teaching them to do it.
I guess this became too much for Mr Christie and on one occasion, when I was in the kitchen he tapped both Alisa and Gabriel on the head with the teaspoon following their extremely rude and disrespectful behavior. He also splashed water on them.
Although the stress level was extremely high at the time for both Mr Christie and me, I have explained him that it was totally unacceptable means of disciplining the children and this would not to happen ever again. It indeed has not happened ever since.
I believe that elaborated and extensive allegations against Mr Christie that have been put forward at the subsequent hearings were the results of the children been coached to say those things or actually have been created on their behalf.
Since during the police interview on 11 September, when children were taken into the custody, Alisa has mentioned only the incident I've described earlier but then two weeks later more information been sent, - this somehow coincided with the children retracting their allegations against the abusers.
I believe that most of the information my children have revealed is true.
There is no way a child could create a story like that, with so many intricate details… It is out of the question that Mr Christie or me would coach the children to say things like that. Neither of us would ever put the children through this for whatever reason, and create such unbelievable situation for ourselves.
Even supposedly we coached them to say this, the children of that age could not possibly repeat the same story all aver again to the different adults in different circumstances without hesitation or changing the details.
Although we know that they have retracted their statements, the children still, even now keep coming back to the same story and the details, while in the foster care to the degree that it became unbearable for their caretaker Carol to look after them. She no longer wants to do this.