Habbo Retro Admin Commands

  1. Cached
  2. Retro Commands - HabboxForum
  3. Habbo Admin Commands - YouTube

Most Habbo Retros I Try Either Don't Work, Or Are Never Online!!! I Think The Best Retros Are The Ones Which Are REALLY ONLINE 24/7, LOADS OF CREDS & FULL ADMIN CATALOGUE! Admin Cat Including Rares & HC Furni Which You Can Buy For 25 Credits!! You Don't Find Any Like This Anymore. Darte rango de Admin: Normalmente lo puedes hacer desde el Editor o Housekeeping (en el mismo server). En caso de que no puedas, tienes que entrar en 'database/habbos/tu nombre' y en rank.txt cambiar habbo por admin. Ya eres el Dios de tu Hotel. COMANDOS:los comandos para el DebboPoject v.3.5 -:commands (Todos los comandos en lista). Habbo Enable/Effect Commands Habbo Retro:enable Numbers (for effects), some other retros use:effect 0 - no effect and removes effect 1 - Spotlight 2 - Blue Hover board 3 - Blue UFO 4 - Sparkle 5 - Torch 6 - Jet pack 7 - Butterflies 8 - Fireflies 9 - Love Hearts 10 - Flies 11 - Green 12 - Frozen 13 - Invisible 14 - Pink Hover board 15 - Yellow.


Habbo Commands are words or phrases that when said in client, an action will be performed.
This is an add on the the previous guide made which can be found here: Chat Commands: Chat away!

:screenshot - Takes a screenshot of the room you are currently in and saves it to your computer. The screenshot will exclude the user interface as seen below.


:sign # - This allows your habbo to hold up a sign when you replace the # with numbers [0-17] where:
0-10 are the numbers respectively,
11 - Heart
12 - Skull
13 - Exclamation Point
14 - Football
15 - Smiley Face
16 - Red Card
17 - Yellow Card
:zoom # - By replacing the # with a number, you can zoom in on your Habbo screen further. This is especially handy in mazes when you're required to name a furni. #mazetipswithsally
:iddqd - Flips the room upside down. Useful for mazes if you drag the room to the sides of the screen, you will be able to see hidden furni.
: x - If this is said after clicking someone, their Habbo Name will be displayed instead of x. This only works at the start of the speech bubble.
:sit / :stand - Allows your habbo to sit or stand respectively.
:hidemouse - Hides your mouse cursor in client along with the white square that appears when you hover over the floor. To undo this effect, say the command again.
:yyxxabxa - Gives your Habbo a lightsaber.

:habnam - Enables the habnam effect on your habbo! #PartySafe

:moonwalk - Enables the moonwalk effect on your habbo causing you to moonwalk backwards. Useful in grocery list games where you need to get an item and your habbo is facing the other way!
:jump - Causes your habbo to jump once.

Retro Commands - HabboxForum

HabboHabbo Retro Admin Commands

Habbo Admin Commands - YouTube

@colour@ - Where colour can be replaced by the following: [red/blue/green/cyan/purple] to change your Habbo's chat colour.