
Simha rashi (Leo) December 2020 Rashiphal (Rashifal)

Hindupad Ashlesha 2020

Monthly Leo Horoscope based on Vedic Astrology


Health, Education, Career, Finance, Family and Business for Simha rashi people in December month

Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo. It spans the 120-150th degree of the Tropical zodiac. People born under Makha (4), Purva Phalghuni (Pubba)(4), Uttara Phalghuni(1st Pada) comes under Simha rashi. Lord of this rashi is Sun.

15,847 likes 1 talking about this. Hindupad is a daily online magazine which updates with Hinduism & related issues - Hindu Festivals, Pujas, Vrathas, Temples, other holy places,Jatras, etc. What is the kundli? The Kundli or your vedic birthchart shows in a visual way where the planets were at the time of your birth. Your Kundli also shows the relationship between the planets, and their impact on each other and is used to analyze your work, personal, health and family life.


This month four planets are moving to other signs. Venus transits over Libra sign, your third house from Moon, up to 11th and then moves to Scorpio sign, the fourth house. The Sun transits over Scorpio sign, fifth house, up to 15th, of this month and then moves to Sagittarius sign, the fifth house. Mercury transits over Scorpio sign, fourth house, up to 17th and then moves to Sagittarius sign, the fifth house. Mars transits over Pisces sign, eighth house, up to 24th of this month, and then he moves to Aries sign, ninth house. Saturn and Jupiter continue their transit over Capricorn sign, sixth house from your Moon. Rahu continues his transit over Taurus sign, tenth house, and Ketu continues his transit over Scorpio sign, fourth house.

This month you will have a mixed result. Career-wise it will be bit good time where familywise you will have a normal time. In your work, your stress and workload will reduce in this month. You will also have some support from your higher officials. There will be no major change in position, but work stress will reduce, and you will have some time to work for yourself.
In the family, there will be some issues with your life partner. It is advised to reduce your anger and does not take any rapid decisions. Your children will have success in their field. Your mother will not be keeping good health this month. She will be susceptible to diseases. To prevent any serious complication, you must get her thoroughly checked-up.
Those who are in business will have a good business in this month. This month is not good for business expansion. Investments will give good returns. Your partner will have a better business than you.
Healthwise this month will be good. No major health problems this month. At the same time, you may need to be careful as there is an indication that You may suffer from diseases caused due to excessive heat or bile.
Students will have a good time this month. They will do well in studies and exams. Transit of Sun and Mercury over the 5th house will help in achieving a better result. They also need to concentrate more on studies as Mars transit may cause lack of concentration and aggressive nature.

click here for December 2020 Rashiphal in Hindi

Please Note: All these predictions are based on planetary transits and Moon sign based predictions. These are just indicative only, not personalised predictions.

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