Optiplex 755 Raid 0

Enabling Optiplex 755 Raid 0. Asked By Martha J Arnold 0 points N/A Posted on -. How can the RAID option be enabled in MT and DT, but not in SFF 0755?

Dell Optiplex 755 Upgrade Project

  • Dell optiplex 755 raid driver download May 8, 2020 admin USB devices Leave a Comment on DELL OPTIPLEX 755 RAID DRIVER DOWNLOAD For all intents and purposes your new drive appears to be ok as seen in the Windows Disk Management.
  • This is less of a Dell Optiplex 755 specific mod, but if you have an external hard drive lying around, you can easily set up a RAID array with your 755. I set up a RAID 0 array with a 160 GB 7200 RPM Seagate hard drive and a 640 GB 7200 RPM Seagate hard drive.


It has been a little over a year since I installed three new Dell Optiplex 755 systems (see my earlier review here and here). A memory problem in one of the systems and a moaning power supply fan in another (oddly, not from cat fur) caused me to open a support case with Dell for replacement parts.

This lead to the dreaded “since I’m in here, I wonder what I could do to improve things” thoughts. Since I purchased these systems a year ago, a number of faster components have become available, or have had major price reductions. The main items that I wanted to speed up were: hard drive, video and CPU. I’ll discuss each of these in turn.

Hard drive

As I mentioned in my previous articles, I’ve been very loyal to Seagate in the past. However, they’ve fallen on their face in a number of areas recently. First, they dropped the warranty on many of their drives from 5 years to 3 years. Second, they have had some heavily-publicized firmware problems, including a “fix” that rendered some classes of drives completely non-functional. Plus, drives from other vendors out-perform the Seagate products at certain capacities. One of these is at the 250-300GB range, where Western Digital offers the VelociRaptor™. This drive is offered in 3 configurations, which differ only in the way the drive is mounted. The BLFS version is a bare 2.5″ drive, good for servers with backplanes that require this size drive. It won’t work in a notebook as it is much taller than a normal notebook drive (15mm vs. the normal 9.5mm for a notebook drive). The GLFS version is the previous drive mounted in a 3.5″ frame (which WD calls an IcePack™). However, due to the industry standards for location of the SATA power and data connectors differing for 2.5″ and 3.5″ drives, this version cannot slot in to an enclosure that has backplane connectors for 3.5″ drives. This brings us to the HLFS version, which is similar to the GLFS except that the bare drive is mounted in a slightly different location on the IcePack and there is a passive adapter board which has the connectors in the right spot for mating with SATA backplanes. Since many online merchants list the GLFS and the HLFS at the same price, I don’t know why WD bothers with the GLFS version. There are apparently some minor cooling differences between these versions, but I don’t feel they are enough to justify keeping the GLFS around.

I purchased the HLFS version as the Optiplex has a rather unusual mounting (side-to-side vs. the more common front-to-back) orientation and the cables would line up better. Plus, it would keep my options for future re-use of the drive open.

Here is the drive ready to go into the chassis. The red strip on the right side is the adapter circuit board I mentioned above:

Here is the drive mounted in the chassis. I’ll discuss the non-standard power cable in a later post:

Video card

These systems originally shipped with ATI Radeon HT 2400 XT cards. As I mentioned in my earlier review, that card didn’t support the Dual Link DVI mode that I needed to operate the 3008WFP monitor at its maximum resolution of 2560 x 1600. I replaced it with a different version of the HD 2400 that supported Dual Link. Since then, there have been a number of additional generations of ATI video cards. Unfortunately for me, most of these are dual-slot configurations due to the large fans found on the card. In the Optiplex 755, the video card occupies the uppermost slot in the chassis and there’s no place for the second bracket to go. And that is the only PCIe x16 slot on the chassis.

Looking around, I found the Radeon 3650 which was a single-slot solution. It supported the Dual Link DVI that my monitor required. It also supported the DisplayPort interface which was also found on my monitor. As finding “Built by ATI” video cards is getting harder and harder, I selected the HIS H365F512DPNP card. I have some Cyberlink software installed on this PC which requires a HDCP link to the monitor. Unfortunately, the 3008WFP monitor doesn’t support HDCP when operating in Dual Link mode, so I have to drop the resolution down to 1920 x 1200 or I get an annoying message about my display not being supported and then playback stops.

Since I now had both a monitor and a video card that allegedly supported DisplayPort at 2560 x 1600, I gave that a try. It was a total failure – the display would go into screen saver mode immediately at that resolution. At lower resolutions it would randomly cycle in and out of screen saver mode every few seconds. So much for that idea – back to Dual Link DVI. The monitor is revision A01, which according to Dell has no issues with DisplayPort. But this technology seems to not be ready for deployment.

Here’s the card installed in the system. By the way, I didn’t turn the fan so the HIS logo was right-side-up – that’s just the way the fan stopped when I shut the system down to take the picture:


I had ordered the systems with the Core 2 Quad Q6600 CPU as the only faster quad core part offered by Dell at the time was the Q6700 which wasn’t a lot faster (2.66GHz vs. 2.40GHz) and which was a lot more expensive. Since then, Dell started offering parts in the Q9xxx family. However, the top-of-the-line Q9650 still isn’t available from Dell in these systems.

Looking at the specs on Intel’s web site, I couldn’t see any reason why a system that supported the Q9550 wouldn’t support the Q9650, so I decided to give it a try. Let’s compare the specs of the Q6600 vs. the Q9650 to see what sort of performance improvements I might get:

  • 2.40 GHz clock speed
  • 1066MHz bus speed
  • 8MB cache
  • 65nm technology
  • 3.00 GHz clock speed
  • 1333MHz bus speed
  • 12MB cache
  • 45nm technology

The change from a 65nm feature size to 45nm means that despite the faster clock and larger cache, the thermal specification remains the same at 95W. This means that the existing CPU heatsink and fan could be re-used, which is important as the Optiplex 755 uses a custom cooling solution and not the heatsink / fan provided with the boxed CPU.

After installing the new CPU, a quick power-on test shows that the system properly detected the new CPU:

Dell systems tend to not provide the assorted overclocking tweaks found on some motherboards, so this is likely as fast as this system is going to get unless Intel releases a faster CPU. I had spec’d PC6400 memory when I ordered the systems, and that is the fastest memory the Q35 chipset supports. With 4 matching 1GB modules, the memory runs in what Intel calls “Dual Channel Interleaved” mode, which is the fastest mode. Since the motherboard doesn’t provide tweaks, this CL5 memory is the fastest that can be installed in the system. (All of the memory I’ve found that runs at CL4 and faster still reports itself as CL5 in SPD and expects the tuner to override the SPD settings).

The system is noticibly faster. Backups to my network file server run at around 70MB/second now, compared with 50MB/second before the upgrade. Windows startup is much improved.

One thing I discovered when I re-installed Windows and all my software from scratch – I had previously thought that the Intel Ethernet chipset on this motherboard didn’t support jumbo frames (because the option didn’t appear in the configuration menu as delivered by Dell). But after installing the latest drivers from Intel, the jumbo frame option appeared and I enabled it.


To Fix (Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF?) error you need to follow the steps below:

Step 1:

Download (Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF?) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the 'Scan' button

Step 3:

Click 'Fix All' and you're done!

Compatibility: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD
Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

TIP: Click here now to repair Windows faults and optimize system speed

Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF? is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability
If you have Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF? then we strongly recommend that you Download (Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF?) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF? both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF? that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2020-12-02 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794

December 2020 Update:

We currently suggest utilizing this program for the issue. Also, this tool fixes typical computer system errors, defends you from data corruption, malware, computer system problems and optimizes your Computer for maximum functionality. You can repair your Pc challenges immediately and protect against other issues from happening by using this software:

  • 1 : Download and install Computer Repair Tool (Windows compatible - Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • 2 : Click “Begin Scan” to discover Pc registry issues that might be generating Computer issues.
  • 3 : Click on “Fix All” to fix all issues.

Meaning of Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF??

Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF? is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF??

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the 'Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF?' error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF?

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

No I know it's really is old technology today, but for less than 100 bucks, I missing? luck.

I’ve upgraded to latest A22 bios. What am

I’ve also got a couple of SSD’s left from a previous build, and 55 bucks, and added some memory I already had to bring that up to 8gb. I installed the latest IRST that the machine will handle- 10.6, so a splitter that I can use to get power to both of them. I’ve always wanted to play around with Raid 0, but for the life 7 Ultimate. missing something simple?

Installed Windows of me I can’t figure out how to get the Raid option in bios. I upgraded the graphics card to a Powercolor HD7750 low profile that I got for I think I’ll have a system that will be good for video rendering, etc. Am I I thought that would let me see a raid option in bios. Optiplex 7040 Enable AMT

In Windows, device manager option does not appear during boot, and pressing the key combo does nothing. Is there a firmware update that is does show the management engine.

The option to display <CTRL-P> is enabled in the BIOS but that needed to be able to configure vPro options?

DELL will not enable VT-x on Optiplex 7440 AIO?

But I used i7-6700
cannot. Please help me.
I tried VT-x enabled.

Optiplex 755 Hard Drive

Optiplex 3020 - Cannot enable wake on lan remotely


Has anyone found this issue on a 3020 or any other machine? Press any key to reboot the machine.'
If I press any key it boots ok even thought the nic is the first boot device.

Dell Optiplex 990 raid configuration

My experience with the 990 minitower is that the drives need to be a raid 1 with two spare drives I have just as a storage volume. I have a SSD for my main drive. But I want to create

physically connected (SATA and Power cables) for the RAID1 'Ctrl-I' set up screen to appear.

Optiplex 990 MT and supported RAID cards

It has a quad core i5 with 8gb ram and i installed an SSD with windows 10 pro. Much with a Raid6 card that works with the 990.

I am looking for a RAID controller that does RAID6 and Thanks
appreciated. So does anyone know of or have personal experience will be hooking it up to an external enclosure via SFF- cables.

RAID to AHCI with OptiPlex 7040 WIN 10
Optiplex 5000 & 7000 Series RAID

I think they brings to question. Have an old Optiplex 980 Does the Optiplex 5000 and 7000 series have Dell said that the Optiplex 3046 has built-in RAID support as well. Purchased a few Optiplex 3046 a few months ago for employees and misunderstood the question.

The Dell Optiplex 3000 series does not have built-in RAID support. So this that supports built-in RAID 0,1. built-in motherboard RAID support like the Optiplex 980?
Have had a difficult time trying to figure this out.

how do install or enable acpi file/ xp 32 bit desktop dell optiplex gx1?

have a great day. Thonson35 My computer dell desktop optiplex gx1 w xp32 bits. Thank you and

Having Issue with TPM on our Optiplex 9020 models. Will not enable TPM during OSD Task Sequence

The output from SCCM is below: This Does anyone have an answer for this? Any assistance would and seem to work fine for Windows 7. is for a Windows 10 Task Sequence. Our OptiPlex 7040s work fine but

The same steps were used for Windows 7 bew greatly appreciated.
9020s & 9020Ms will not work.

Enable RAID?

What exactly is RAID and what criteria has to - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hi kreesdqban,
For information, see RAID be met for me to be able to enable it?
I was in the BIOS and noticed that there was an option for enabling Intel RAID.

Optiplex 740 - after Bios update Raid seems activated and cannot find harddisk?

There doesn't seem to be an Sata operation menu in the bios. Can Is it possible to flash the old bios without getting into win? In the bios i can see the drive as Drive-0 SATA-0 with

its id and GB, but in boot sequence it says 'not present'. I was running win 7and it is an Athlon 64 3800+ cpu. Thanks in advance!
somebody help?

W541 enable RAID

you order the computer to get any RAID setup options. Otherwise RAID is not to Solution. Go even enabled on the motherboard. Solved!

W540: i7-4700mq, K2100m, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB Samsung 840 EVOT510: You have to select RAID 0 or 1 when i7-620m, NVS 3100m, 8 GB RAM, 500 GB Samsung 840 EVO

Enable/Diasable RAID

Questions - (1) why would RAID be enabled on a laptop with RAID and didn't know it? Went to install Ghost 2003 and was you'd have to install your operating system again. You may want to think about switching to no longer supported by Norton with limited hardware compatibility. You'd have to find the disk controller device's DOS driver (no small laptop which performs fine.

What laptop make/model feat) and give Ghost access to the driver for it to work. Thanks.
I have Ghost 2003 and have had no problems backing up my computers with the RAID enabled.
Purchased a used have a working computer at least with your current OS install. I doubt that you can disable the RAID and still a laptop and (2) how do I disable same?

Ghost 2003 is an old program that is do you have? Is it somehow possible that you bought told no could do while RAID was enabled. I mean if you disabled the RAID array SATA controller device whichever you are using. It probably doesn't recognize your ATA/ATAPI or Acronis or a newer version of Ghost.

Enable raid on amd without a reinstall

The intel chipset boards were pretty easy however amd has always method to enable raid on amd systems without a reinstall.
If anyone is interested, I have come up with a given me a bsod when doing this [until now]

How to enable RAID 0 on my W700

If not you can forget building a RAID configuration. You need to

to Solution. Go create recovery discs as well, just to be on te safe side.

Can Raid 0 be enabled on New OptiPlex 5040 or 7040 minitower running Win7?

Thank you
This feature was available on the lowly (now obsolete) vostro 420 and 430 which I installed on several machines, and it worked beautifully.

How to enable Raid after windows 10 installation
Optiplex 755 hard drive

However, when I checked my BIOS set up, SATA my RAID configuration without re-installing windows 10? Is there a way to enable I assumed that this was the reason why I M.2 128GB SATA III 6gb/s MTs800 80 mm to optimize my system. Memory is 16 GB, hard drive is toshiba 1TB.
I just added a Transcend don't have the accelerate option in my Intel RST?

mode only has ATA and AHCI options, NO RAID. Thanks,

VX15 Enable Raid / SSD Caching?

Optiplex 755 Raid 01

Optiplex 755 Raid 0

Hi There, I've just bought an Aspire VX 15 laptop with a 128gb SSD drive + 1tb HDD.

With this configuration I've still got 50gb free on the SSD and most of my general clutter is saved to the HDD drive.

--------HOW TO ENABLE ACER R13 R7-371T RAID MENU--...
lenovo u310, when raid enable the computer is rebooting it self

Optiplex 755 Sata

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Go to Solution.

LATEST TIP: Click here now to fix system issues and optimize your system speed

Recommended Solution Links:

(1) Download (Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF?) repair utility.

(2) Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF?

(3) Optiplex 7040 Enable AMT

(4) DELL will not enable VT-x on Optiplex 7440 AIO?

(5) Optiplex 3020 - Cannot enable wake on lan remotely

Note: The manual fix of Enable Raid 0 in Optiplex 755 SFF? error is Only recommended for advanced computer users.Download the automatic repair tool instead.