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Wpe Pro 0.9 Free Download No Virus. 9/29/2019 Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The Process Explorer display consists of two sub-windows. The top window always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning. Sound Forge Pro. WPE PRO - modified.exe共收录20个同名文件,其中安全0个,不安全20个,100%可能是病毒 - VirSCAN.org - free virus scan is a free online scan service, utilizing various anti-virus programs to diagnose single files.
Duping Soulbounds/Stackables/Tokens Using WPE Pro, World of Warcraft.Do you want Unlimited BoJs, Arathi basin tokens, Alterac valley Tokens, WSG Tokens, EOTS Tokens, Unlimited Gold?
This is the only way you are going to get it. Follow the EXACT Steps given below.
First of all,
Download the program called WPE PRO.exe and Permedit.exe.
Just google it or go download it here: WPE Pro Full
First of before download, Please turn off your antivirus programs, it may give a false detection.
These are the files you need:
1. PermEdit.exe
2. WPE PRO.exe
3. WpeSpy.dll
4. filler.txt
Now here we start:
1. Run WOW.exe and Login in your character. Make sure your character has atleast 'ONE' 20 Slot Bag with the LAST SLOT 'EMPTY'
2. Open WPE PRO.exe and Keep it like open.
3. Then open PermEdit.exe. Find Wow.exe and WPE PRO.exe. Click 'Grant Permissions' for both.
Wpe Pro No Virus
Wpe Pro Download No Virus
_4. If your using Windows Vista. Right click 'PermEDIT.exe' and Click 'Run as Administrator'. If your not a Vista User, Skip this step.5. Now once your done with Permedit, Go back to WPE PRO. Click 'Target Program' then Click Wow.exe and 'Open'
6. Now, Open the 'Filter 1'. Go to Offset 008. in 'Search' type 13, in 'Modify' type 14. Click Apply.
7. Now click on the Button which is to the left of the [color='#FF0000']x[/color]. Once you click it, everything should gray out as in the screenshot.
8. Now go to your character in Wow. Now Empty your 'BackPack'. Then Put the items you want to dupe into your backpack and
Empty the Last Slot of the 20 Slot bag. Logout and Login again. Now your backpack must look like this:
9. Now if you have a stack of 20 items. Shift click and remove 19 from it and put it somewhere in your backpack. Follow the Screenie.
10. Now Drag the Remaining '1' item from your backpack and put it into the Very Last Slot of your 20slot bag. It should DISAPPEAR. If it doesnt Disappear, then
Start over again, you have made some error in the process. Again follow the screenie.
11. Logout and Login again. And Yes! You should have a new Stack of 20 items just where you had the '1' remaining item.
12. Now if you want Lots of gold, Just Dupe lots of Elementium Bars. Sell them at a vendor who gives 200 Gold per Stack of 20.
° The End °
Site by ShadowHelios.