Yugioh 5ds Fifth Signer

  1. Yugioh 5ds Fifth Signer Release
  2. Yugioh Signer Dragon

I do not own Kamen Rider W as it's claimed by Toei Company and created by Shotaro Ishinomori while Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's is owned by TV Tokyo, only things I own in this fanfic is Shinji Mizuki and the cards developed for Double's forms.

Episode IX

At first this might seem bogus to you but I’ve recieved some comments stating this and Yu-Gi-Oh!wiki is also saying that in episode 62 of Yugioh 5Ds, Rex Goodwin reveals that he is a Dark Signer and he that he is waiting for the King Of the Underworld. It also said he was keeping the actuall 5th signer hostage. The fifth and final season of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's lasts from episodes 135 to 154 (with the title Fight for the Future, in the English dub).As the Ark Cradle (also known as the 'Divine Temple') descends on New Domino City, the final stage of Yliaster's plan is set into motion.


Signer's Reunited! A Discovered Truth!

A limousine pulled up at a mansion as the Signers with Mina, Leo and Shinji left the vehicle as the front doors to this mansion opened, revealing Director Goodwin as he bowed. 'I am very pleased to make your acquaintances, Signers.' He said as jack crossed his arms. 'You're being all too kind Goodwin, what's with the sudden change?' he asked him as Aki whispered to Yusei.

'You sure we should trust him, I mean, he did hold your friends hostage.' As Yusei moved his eyes to her and lowly responded. 'As much as I don't trust him, he's the only one who knows what's truly happening.'

It's most apparent when you look at Luna/Luca's vision of the Signer Dragons fighting the King of the Underworld - the fifth dragon is Life Stream Dragon and not Black-Winged Dragon. Leo/Rua was obviously meant to duel Dark Signer Bomber as a rematch to their duel during the tournament, AND because Life Stream Dragon's effect is an obvious. OK the fifth signer is Goodwin's brother but he chose to be a dark signer so he cut his hands of and gave it to his brother Rex Goodwin and the Goodwin became a dark signer and so he took out i has. Akiza Izinski, known as Aki Izayoi in the Japanese version, is a main character in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, and was one of the Signers. She is also called the Black Rose, or Black Rose Witch in the Japanese version.

'What do you want with everyone Goodwin?' Leo asked almost immediately as Goodwin stared down him. 'You weren't invited, neither are you, I must ask you both to leave.' Goodwin stared at Shinji and Luna held onto Leo's arm with one hand and Shinji's hand in the other. 'I'm not going in without these two.'

Goodwin mentally let out a sigh and thought through the possible scenarios rather quickly, in the end, there was no choice. 'Very well, you may enter, come.' He said as the group followed him down a ancient corridor. 'The King was here before so do not be surprised.' He stated

'I am no longer the King Goodwin.' Jack interjected as they entered a room and the doors shut behind them, the scenery changing to that of a grand stairway perhaps reaching the stars as everyone but Jack was amazed and took notice of a familiar symbol on a arch.


'It's the Crimson Dragon!' Leo realized as all of the Signer's marks started to glow. 'Indeed… it is the Symbol of the Signers which has been passed down from legend by the People of the Stars.'

The Crimson Dragon had slowly taken shape as it let out an unearthly cry as Yusei remembers it now, during the duel between himself and Jack 'You and Jack have been guided from Satellite to New Domino City by the Crimson Dragon.' Goodwin stated.

'I disagree Goodwin, I thought you were the one to set us up.' Yusei said and Jack nodded. 'We only duelled to settle our scores, that dragon has nothing to do with it!' as Goodwin closed his eyes as he walked forward with hands behind his back.

'That in itself is what fate has desired and I merely followed the wishes of the Crimson Dragon to guide each Signer together.'

'You expect us to believe this?' Yusei asked and Goodwin turned to face the group. 'It is up to you whenever to believe it or not, but there is one undeniable fact, you are chosen by the Crimson Dragon and the Mark has guided you and now, joined everyone together.'

Shinji spoke. 'So what you are saying is that all of this was already determined?' He asked and Goodwin nodded. 'Very perceptive of you, that is the truth, Yusei, Jack, Luna and Aki are reincarnations of the Signers themselves, this was promised but thousands of years ago and now, they've all gathered.'

The Crimson Dragon disappeared and Leo spoke up. 'Wait, there's only four Signers here!' as Luna nodded. 'Where is the fifth Signer, could it be…?' Her eyes moved to Shinji and Goodwin shook his head. 'I'm afraid Mr Mizuki isn't what you like to think Miss Luna, the fifth Signer awakened long before all of you. The fifth Signer will most likely come to you when you four are in danger.'

Goodwin raised his hand and the scenery change immediately to the Nazca Lines, prior to the disappearance. 'Isn't this the Nazca Lines? Or rather, was?' Shinji asked and Goodwin spoke.

'The battle thousands of years ago took place here where the Crimson Dragon sealed the Earthbound Immortals within this very spot and hence, the Lines serve as a seal… however.' He trailed off as the Spider mark lit up and vanished. 'This is the Dark Signer's doing.'

Yusei spoke up.' They seem to duel by a method called Shadow Duels which seems to make the damage real and their Dark Synchro monsters defy the rules of Synchro Summoning.' He pointed out as Goodwin continued. 'It is only natural, the Signer's and Dark Signers possesses similar birthmarks but while the Signer's Synchro Summons are based around life, the Dark Signer's based their around death and the Underworld. And now the Dark Signer's have appeared and all of new Domino and Satellite are but the battlefields.'

Yusei clenched his fist in remembrance of his duel with Kalin. 'Kalin referred to the people when he summoned his Earthbound Immortal, sacrifices.'

The twin held each other scared as Shinji decided to ask the all-important question. 'What happens to those who are sacrificed?' He asked as Goodwin closed his eyes. 'That I'm afraid, I do not know.'

'What about the Dark Signer's themselves! Is there a way to restore Kalin-' Yusei was cut off by Goodwin. 'That is impossible, the Dark Signers are but souls of the dead, awakened to their latent abilities, but understand this, destiny is now in motion, will you fight the Dark Signer's or… leave the world to perish? The choice is yours alone.' He stated and exited the room

Everyone decided at that point on, to leave this room and head outside to discover their resolve to fight against the Dark Signers as Shinji sat at a nearby table while Leo ate bit of the food provided as Luna's green hair covered her eyes and she didn't know what to do, she was afraid as she approached Shinji first, a bit surprised within her train of thought, she thought that she'd go to Leo who knew more but…

'Shinji… What do I do?' She asked him as Shinji glanced up from staring at the floor in deep thought. 'I'm scared of what will happen… What should I do?' She asked and Shinji looked into her eyes.

'You aren't fighting alone Luna, you have your friends behind you every step of the way, even if you don't want to fight as no-one is forcing you to follow through with this.' He said and Luna looked at Leo briefly was having a relaxing time eating that food. '…I would feel safe if Leo and… you were there, in Satellite with me' She said, hiding a tint of a flushed face as Shinji just gave a low chuckle.

'I've already decided I'll go Luna, I don't know about Leo though.' He said and Luna had to ask. 'Why?'

Shinji placed a hand on her head. 'Perhaps you should ask him Luna, he would feel left out.' He said as Luna nodded and went to approach Leo as Shinji stared back down at the floor, hands clasped together with legs spread. 'I'll have to tell my family about this.' He thought to himself and got up as he headed out to the hallway as Luna grabbed her brother's arm, almost crying. 'Please… just be there… with me Leo.' She said and he nodded, he didn't want her to be upset.

Shinji pulled out a black cell phone and flipped it open, a notable accessory dangling from a chain being a windmill with eyes as it had a humanoid body., it was somewhat childish but he felt it suited him as he dialled a number and pressed the phone to his ear as it rung and a click was heard, indicating it was picked up.

Yugioh 5ds Fifth Signer Release

'Hello dad, listen, I got to tell you something important…' He started to say but after ten minutes, he finished his conversation. 'And that's the story, I know mom would worry like mad so could you do me a favour and tell her I'll be busy for a while?' He asked and closed his eyes. 'Thanks. I'll be careful.' He said and shut the phone, turning the call off as well as the phone as he saw Leo and Luna spot the others and walked with them.

Yugioh Signer Dragon

'So… have you all decided?' Yusei asked and everyone nodded. 'Then, let's give Goodwin our answer.'