How To Change Toontown Controls
Toontown: Corporate Clash is a completely free to play massively multiplayer online game designed to be the new experience of a game many of us loved. This is a game designed for players of all ages. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to control yourself. Try to hit as many clouds as possible! Do those steps and you’ll be great after repeating it. But: here’s a warning: DO NOT go repeatedly times in a cannon at parties with more than anything but something you could wait for. If you do, you’ll be sorry.
- This the the complete list of ALL commands within the game currently.
- Using '~' before a command sets it to be done to yourself.
- Using '~~'before a command sets it to be done to the targeted player/object.
- ~maxToon *gag you don't want* (Leave gag spot blank to get all gags)
- ~shoes *0-3* *number* (number = texture)
- ~backpack *0-24* *number* (number = texture)
- ~accessLevel *moderation title* (Turns players into mods, admins, etc., useless for yourself)
- ~kick *username* (Says 'You can't kick yourself.', no matter the name)
- ~ban *username* (Says 'You can't ban yourself.', no matter the name)
- ~dna species *species*
- ~dna legs *0/1/2*
- ~dna color 26 (Black, but only works for cats)
- ~dna head *species*
- ~dna headsize *0-4* (changes the characteristics of your head, not it's actual size)
- ~dna armcolor *color*
- ~dna toptex *0-149*
- ~dna sleevetex *0-136*
- ~dna bottex *0-58*
- ~dna gloves *color* (Only color that works is 0, which is white)
- Texture colors range from 0 to 31. Regular colored clothing is 27.
- ~dna save *save number* (save current look of your toon)
- ~dna restore *save number* (reloads the look of your toon back to how it was saved)
- ~name *name*
- ~badName (revokes your name back too '<color> <species>')
- ~unites *number*
- ~sos *1-100* *SOS name* ('magic cat' and 'trap cat' are SOS options)
- ~gravity *number* (No message verification, just jump to see. 0 = reset)
- ~unlocks (Teleport access, all emotes, all doodle phrases)
- ~money *0-12000*
- ~bank transfer *number*
- ~maxFishTank *20-99*
- ~ghost (transparent, uninteractable, walk through walls and doors)
- ~inventory reset *gagTrack* (Leave gagTrack blank to lose all gags, if you type in numbers instead of names, 0-6 takes out the corresponding level for all gags)
- ~inventory restock *gagTrack* (Leave gagTrack blank to restock all, if you type in numbers instead of names, 0-6 gives you the corresponding level for all gags. 6 is level 7 gags)
- ~trophyScore *number* (Building floors for stars)
- ~givePies *0-7* *-1-99* (Pie 6 is invalid, and -1 amount gives unlimited)
- ~track experience *gagTrack* *0-10500*
- ~track add *gagTrack*
- ~suit spawn *cogType* *isSkeleCog* *isV2* *isWaiter*
- ~suit do *number* (number = difficulty)
- ~suit invasion *cog brand* *cog type* *isSkeleCog* *isV2* *isWaiter*
- ~suit invasionend *number* (requires any number after it to work)
- For Invasion calls:
- Best place to see the order of cogs is your sticker book. It goes from top to bottom and left to right. When counting yourself, 0 = 1.
- Cog brand is Bossbot, Lawbot, Cashbot, Sellbot. (0-3)
- Cog type is the respective bot from the brand. (0-7)
- Skelecogs? Is a question. Leaving it blank or putting 0 means no. Putting 1 means yes.
- V2.0? Is a question. Blank or 0 means no. 1 means yes.
- Waiter is a question. Blank or 0 means no. 1 means yes.
- ~hp *-1-137*
- ~race leave
- ~loop *emotion*
- ~pose *emotion* *frame number* *body part* (leave body part blank to pose completely)
- ~pingpong *emotion* *start frame* *end frame* *body part* (start, end, and part at optional)
- ~leftHand *battle item*
- ~globalTeleport (Unlocks all teleports)
- ~zone *location ID* (wrong ID will crash the game most often)
- ~target (states info on who you have selected, yourself if nothing is selected)
- ~warp (warps selected user/object to yourself, useless solo)
- ~factoryWarp *factory zone ID* (only works in factory)
- ~spooky (darkens the current area you are in)
- ~minigame request *trolley game* (hope for your game next)
- ~minigame remove *trolley game* (remove your request for next game)
- ~minigame difficulty *trolley game* (make game harder or easier)
- ~minigame safezone *trolley game* (not sure what this does yet?)
- ~minigame abort *trolley game* (quit game, only works in game)
- ~skipCFO (skips the cog battle half of the CFO, only works at start of CFO)
- ~skipVP (skips the cog battles of the VP, only works at start of VP)
- ~collisionsOff
- ~hpr *h* *p* *r* (numbers for rotation of yourself, 0 0 0 resets it)
- ~quests clear
- ~quests add *toontask ID* *task slot*
- ~quests list
- ~quests progress *toontask ID* *number*
- ~quests tier *1-17* (toontask area that your toon is in; 1 = Flippy gag training, 17 = advanced after DDL tasks)
- The number in the progress word is the amount that you have for your quest. So if you need 300 Flunkies and you put the number as 300, then the task would be complete.
- ~skipMovie (skips the after battle sequence, when in battle)
- ~oobeCull
- ~wire
- ~nameNametags
- ~explorer
- ~backgroundColor *r* *g* *b* *a* (r g b a are all numbers)
- ~suitPaths (shows path that cogs follow on street and battle locations)
- ~cheesyEffect *1-15* *playground zone ID* *duration*
- 1 = Big head
- 3 = Big legs
- 5 = Big toon
- 7 = Flat left-right
- 9 = Ghost
- 11 = Invisible body
- 13 = Big white out
- 15 = Green toon
- ~achievements earn *ID*
- ~fireworks *firework name* (the fireworks are: 'july4', 'summer', and 'newyears')
- (Attempt at using fireworks command returns with something about the playground does not have a specified ID)
- ~fish *fish species to catch on next throw*
- (Currently broke within the files, this is what it's supposed to do)
- ~cogIndex *number*
- (I only get 'Invalid access code', leave the number blank to get a white rotating dot above your head, retype to disable)
- ~trackBonus *0-6*
- (Organic gags, 0 = Toon-up, 1 = Trap, so on. Only gives organic for all level 1 gags and level 2 of the one you pick oddly)
- ~suit invasion *cog brand* *cog type* *isSkeleCog* *isV2* *isWaiter*
- (Command is included above but also listed here because the 'isSkelecog', 'isV2', and 'isWaiter' commands are wishy-washy and can cause crashes. Solely the 'isWaiter' command has not been shown to work.)
How To Change Toontown Controls Settings
How To Change Toontown Controls Password
First thing: If your not the parent, you dont need the password, if your an adult then here is how:
right above the play button is “log-in or sign up”
click “log-in”
enter your user-name and password just as on the game starter, when you get on toontown, same user-name and password
“membership” button (under “about toontown” and above “help” on the left side bar)
click “passwords” in the drop down box
click the second Choice “parent password” (blue button in middle of sreen)
If you know it enter it, of you dont:
click the blue “forgot parent password?” button underneath the “password” box
enter your account name
click next
the password will be emailed to the address on file
if you dont know the address on file, then contact Disney